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I am studying information security as a hobby

And I am usually interested in overall IT related technologies

Such as programming, hacking, Linux, networking, digital forensics, and Raspberry Pi.

apache access.log 접근 IP TOP 10 선정/차단 🏆
apache access.log 접근 IP TOP 10 선정/차단 🏆
WordPress Redis object cache 🧹
WordPress Redis object cache 🧹
Start Nessus on Linux – 2 Nessus Scanning 🕵🏻‍♂️
Start Nessus on Linux – 2 Nessus Scanning 🕵🏻‍♂️
Kali Linux 에서 Pycharm 설치하기
Kali Linux 에서 Pycharm 설치하기
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